Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 7th September 2020


Michael Lane Humphrey Wheeler, Roland Brown, Malcolm Trowbridge, Keith Pye, Tony Mullins,
Andrew Kaye, Chris Tomkins, Andy Gemmill & Michael Judd.

Roger Timms, Graham Finch, Gary Bridger, David McAdams & Chris Plant.

Matters Arising:
Minutes of last meeting held on 10th February 2020:
These had been circularised and there were no matters arising.

Social Events:

The Secretary confirmed that this years AGM & Reunion Dinner to be held on Friday 6th November had been cancelled due to the Covid 19 Pandemic. All parties had been notified including members who had been sent emails.
The President & Secretary had received an email from Andrew Kaye which confirmed that his health had deteriorated during the lock-down and he was concerned about the Website.
In view of it already being a very strange year, after discussion between the Michael & Malcolm it was decided to offer Andrew the Presidency for the forthcoming year. After due consideration Andrew accepted this offer which the committee were pleased to confirm. Andrew Gemmill, the Vice President elect had been advised of the situation and was also in agreement.

Treasurers Report:

Humphrey Wheeler advised the meeting that the bank was in credit to the sum of £5,698.93 with the dinner making a small loss of £234.56 which was predicted and with the existing loan to the hockey club of £5,000 the balance stood at £10,688.63. Interest amounted to 5p per month on the savings account and that the accounts would be sent to Gary Bridger, the Hon. Auditor for verifying. The Treasurer was concerned that with the cancellation of the dinner those members who pay their subs with their dinner reservation that this may lead to a shortfall in subscriptions. It was therefore decided to enclose a standing order form in the magazine mailing to try to encourage as many members as possible to pay this way!


Tony Mullins confirmed that the Magazine was in the final stages of completion and would be sent to the printers shortly. Tony mentioned that as there had been no outings or sporting activities he had used this opportunity to replace the normal articles with some interesting memorabilia items.

Golf Days:
No dates for 2020 had been booked and it was hoped that play could resume in 2021


In view of Andrew Kaye’s email he was anxious to seek assistance with the Website and after some discussion it was agreed that Chris Tomkins would assist Andrew with immediate affect and they had already made contact.

AGM & Reunion Dinner:

It was hoped that this would take place on 12th November 2021

Any Other Business:

Andrew Gemmill confirmed that the OLHC were in the process of making changes to the Clubhouse and wanted the OLA to be involved as much as possible. The plans involved incorporating the Len Bone Room into the bar area which would include a ‘coffee bar’.
Andy outlined the plans in full and it was decided that as we were so near to printed the magazine we would include an insert with the full details and drawings of the proposed improvements so that all members were aware of the changes. This would also include the finances and how the OLHC proposed to pay for the alterations.

Next Meeting:

This will be held on Friday 6th November 2020 as an AGM to agree various items via ZOOM.
The Secretary would advise members of the proposed meetings for 2021 as to whether these would be in person or via ZOOM!

Vote of Thanks:

The committee thanked Roland Brown for organising & hosting the meeting and it was therefore agreed that this method had been a success and may be a way forward whilst the pandemic is still with us.

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