Committee Meeting 10 May 2021
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 10th May 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom
Andrew Kaye, Michael Lane, Keith Pye, Malcolm Trowbridge, Roger Timms. Humphrey Wheeler, Roland Brown, Graham Finch, Stefan Sheridan, Michael Judd & Chris Tomkins
The President Andrew Kaye formally opened the meeting and welcomed everybody & said how pleased he was to see Roger Timms joining the meeting
Silent Tribute:
The Secretary informed members that he had not been informed of any deaths.
He then went on to make a short statement concerning Roland Brown’s wife Margaret who had been in hospital for some weeks but that it was now felt that she may have turned a corner concerning her recovery but had recently had a fall and broken her pelvis and was back in hospital at Harlow.
Apologies for Absence:-
Gary Bridger, Tony Mullins, Andrew Gemmill & David McAdams (who’s wife Penny is not well at present)
Correspondence Received:-
The Secretary had received a letter from Chris Plant suggesting that the ACF colours passed to Leyton High School in 1958 should be reclaimed. It was agreed that this subject would no be pursued. Chris also informed the Secretary that because the remembrance parade did not take place in Loughton in 2020 because of the Covid restrictions, Chris laid the OLA wreath at St Johns church Buckhurst Hill. This would be reported in the magazine
Minutes of the Last Committee Meeting:
The Minutes had aleady been sent out & were proposed by Humphrey Wheeler & seconded by Michael Lane and signed by The Secretary, on behalf if the President as a true and accurate record,.
Matters Arising:.
The Secretary bought to members attention that there were two statements attached to the minutes one from the President & one from the Secretary. These referred to the proposed donation to the Libby Cotts medical fund which after careful consideration & in view of the full facts was rescinded.
The Treasurer pointed out that some members had made separate donation to the fund & that those members were happy to donate these funds to the OLA
Social Events:.
Chris Tomkins informed the meeting that the proposed tour of W.C of Bakers was still a possibility but the Company had not yet finalised tour arrangements.
It was suggested that the Secretary make contact with David McAdams with a view to arranging a trip on the Ongar Steam Railway followed by a fish & chip supper.
The Clay Pigeon Shoot could also take place later this year and contact will be made with Michael & William Alldis.
As requested by some members the AGM & annual dinner will now take place on 19th November 2021at OLHC Chigwell as usual. Unfortunately Graham Finch was unable to connect with his audio system and wanted members to consider moving the date of the dinner to the summer and possibly make it into a LUNCH after the AGM as he felt some of the older members don’t relish driving home in the dark & rain on a November night!
Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer informed the meeting that the savings account amounted to £5,875.44 & the current account amounted to £70:93. Donations this year were £415 which had been somewhat of a saving grace. The Treasurer reported that we were down on subscriptions as some members only paid as & when they attended the dinner. There were 121 paid up members & 33 members still outstanding from last year. This would be covered more fully under Membership.
The Secretary informed the meeting that he had established that the OLA committee were not represented on The OL Trust. The Trustees were Richard Higgins, Mark Francis (CEO. Higgins Group) & Peter King (OLHC). At this stage The President asked for an explanation regarding the trust and Roger Timms was able to answer some question for members at the meeting.
Humphrey Wheeler proposed and Roland Brown seconded that Malcolm Trowbridge should apply to join the trustees.
Michael Judd informed that meeting that due to personal reasons he had not had a chance to chase up outstanding subscriptions and the Secretary agreed to do this on behalf of Michael until such a time that his problems had diminished.
The magazine was at first proof stage but for obvious reasons we were short of material. Graham Finch was in the process of supplying 2 articles. Stefan Sheridan suggested that we could now include the long panoramic photos of the school into the magazine
Golf Society Events:-
The first golf match this year will be held on Monday 28th June 2021 at Chigwell Golf Club helpfully organised by Chris Tomkins & his son Adam. To date there were 20 players who had expressed an interest to play.
Andrew Kaye thanked Stefan Sheridan for his tremendous work he had undertaken in respect to the website and it had now been turned into a first class website. Chris Tomkins also thanked Stefan for his sterling work with regard to the website. Stefan confirmed that by moving to Crystal there would be an annual saving on fees.
Stefan than informed members that he had done all he could with regard to the website and that it was important to keep it alive & to keep feeding information to the site. Perhaps more information could be sought about teachers, it was also suggested that contact be made with Mike Cannell who may have archive information.
Hon. Archivist Report:
As Chris Plant was not at the meeting, no report was available.
Any Other Business:
There was no other business
There being no further business the President reminded members of the date of the next committee meeting 13th September 2021 hopefully at the OLHC and closed the meeting at 8:50 pm; a vote of thanks was given to Roland Brown for hosting the zoom meeting
…………………………………………………….Signed by The President ………………………….. Date
Committee Meetings-
Monday 13th September 2021 at 7:30pm
AGM & Reunion Dinner Friday 19 November 2021