Annual Dinner 2022
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In spite of the school closing in 1990 and there being far too many deaths over the years we still manage to have 60 plus members turn up for the dinner every year.
The reunion dinner takes place every year in November but just as important to the dinner, the annual AGM takes place at 7:00pm. While not a riveting subject. is nevertheless a very Important one as it sees the transfer of responsibility from the past President, Officers & Committee passing to the newly elected President, Officers and Committee for the ensuing year.
We were extremely lucky to have two new, possibly three new committee members join us from the 1985 intake which will hopefully spark some new life into the Association for the future.
One of the pictures it shows Andrew Gemmill giving his final address before handing over to David McAdams, the incoming President and being fitted with traditional school cap handed from President to President.
Other photos show members enjoying themselves at the dinner which we understand from the feedback was a success as usual.
This years dinner will be held on Friday10th November 2023