Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 10th February 2020

Michael Lane, Christopher Plant, Andrew Kaye, Roger Timms, Malcolm Trowbridge, Keith Pye
David McAdams & Christopher Tomkins

The President Michael Lane formally open the meeting and welcomed everybody and wished everybody a belated Happy New Year. He then welcomed David McAdams & Chris Tomkins our two new committee members to the meeting.

Silent Tribute:

The Secretary informed members that he was pleased to say that to his knowledge he had not heard of any deaths.

Apologies for Absence:-

Tony Mullins, Gary Bridger Humphrey Wheeler & Graham Finch

Correspondence Received:-

The Secretary had received a Thank You card from Roger & Anne Timms thanking everyone for their generous gifts presented at the annual dinner.

Also an email from both David Datson & Tina Lescott thanking the Association for the wine & flowers that had been delivered to there office before Christmas.

He had also received email from Anne Bowden & Sylvia Stanley thanking the Association for the tributes to their late husbands obituaries in the current magazine.

Just before Christmas 2019 the Secretary had received a Christmas card from Bruce McSweeney (1958) a life member, enclosing a cheque for £250 which he termed as ‘subs arrears’ The Secretary replied thanking Bruce for his generosity.

Minutes of the Last Committee Meeting:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 10th September 2019 have already been circularised.
This set of minutes were signed by Michael Lane, Roger Timms, Humphrey Wheeler & Roland Brown at the HSBC Bank Romford when the Association held a meeting with the banks Business Advisor

Matters Arising:

There were therefore no matters arising

Social Events:

The Secretary reported that this year Chris Tomkins had offered to organise a tour of the Worshipful Company of Bakers followed by lunch or afternoon tea. This was agreed and Chris said he would investigate and refer back to the Secretary.

David McAdams said he would organise a trip on the Epping & Ongar Steam Railway followed by a fish & chip supper. After some discussion it was suggested that perhaps we could incorporate a trip to North Weald Aerodrome Museum prior to the train trip. It was agreed that this should be pursued

The annual Clay Pigeon Shoot will take place on Monday 1st June 2020

Treasurer’s Report:

In the Treasurer’s absence a provisional set of accounts were handed round which set out the current position. It showed a loss from the dinner but it was agreed at a previous meeting that we would not increase the ticket price and also to make more wine available. The evening was however hailed as a great success.

A separate sheet of the Dinner Account showed a breakdown of the figures.

The Treasurers report was proposed by David McAdams & Seconded by Andrew Kaye

Membership Report

The Secretary reported that he had now sent all relevant membership information to Michael Judd the membership secretary. Unfortunately Michael was not available through Skype as Roland Brown was not at the meeting. However the Secretary had heard from Ian Ormes (1955) who was now back living in the UK after living in France for many years, and had returned a bankers order form for continuing subscriptions


In Tony Mullins absence Malcolm Trowbridge confirmed that the magazine was in it’s early preparation.

Golf Society Events:-

The President had asked Chris Phillips (1955) if he was interested in organising events with regard to the Golf Society and Chris had replied that he would give the matter some thought!

The Secretary reported that he had discussed with Chris Tomkins the possibility of playing at Chigwell Golf Club, where Chris’s son was a member at the Club and Chris would report back.


Andrew Kaye our Webmaster confirmed that he was keeping the website up to date and it was at this time of the year that new copy was available to be included on the website. After some discussion members of the committee should submit to Andrew a short ‘potted history’ of their time since leaving Loughton School.

At the end of this discussion the President thanked Andrew for his sterling work with regard to the Website. At this point Andrew suggested that the Association should involve another member to assist him now that David Welford had moved to Whitstable.

Hon. Archivist Report:

Chris Plant confirmed that Members had attended the Memorial Service at Loughton War Memorial on Sunday 11th November 2019 and afterwards we had been invited back to the RBL for a buffet accompanied by a jazz band. Chris also reminded everyone that this year in May will be the 75th anniversary of VE Day and he proposed that this be mentioned in the magazine. He also mentioned that the Association had twinned two toilets, one male & one female and that could we find the funds for a third toilet to be ‘Gender Neutral’ it was agreed to provide the funds of £60:00 being the cost. There then followed a discussion about charitable donations to local organisation, one that sprang to mind was Guide Dogs for the Blind at Woodford Bridge. He then passed a book cover to the Secretary for Tony Mullins to convert for the next magazine.

Any Other Business:

Roger Timms inform the meeting that Mike Gosford (1943) was now living in a retirement home in Oxford as his health had deteriorated.

There being no further business the President reminded members of the date of the next committee meeting 11th May 2020 and closed the meeting at 9:10 pm; a vote of thanks was given to the chair.

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