Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 13th May 2019


Michael Lane, Keith Pye, Andrew Kaye, Malcolm Trowbridge, Tony Mullins, Roger Timms. Humphrey Wheeler, Roland Brown, Graham Finch & Chris Plant

The President Michael Lane formally opened the meeting and welcomed everybody.

Silent Tribute:

The Secretary informed members that Noel Brady had passed away on 14th February 2019 aged 97.

Members were asked to stand for a silent tribute.

Apologies for Absence:-

Gary Bridger sent his apologies and Michael Judd who was not available on Skype!

Correspondence Received:-

The Secretary had received a letter from Doreen Brady thanking him for a photo he sent of Noel & Don Brady in their younger days. The Treasurer had also received a letter from Disability Sports Coach thanking the Association for their donation which was suggested at Eric West’s memorial service held on 5th March 2019 at OLHC. Peter Bone had sent memorabilia to the Secretary regarding his Father Len Bone and his Grandfather LW Bone who was a Master at Loughton School for 48 years. Peter had been thanked for these articles and some would be published in a future magazine. Ian Gowing phoned the Secretary to advise him that his older brother Graham , who suffers with Parkinsons, had fallen in his garden & broken his hip and was currently in Princess Alexandra Hospital Harlow.

Minutes of the Last Committee Meeting:

The Minutes had already been sent out and were proposed by Keith Pye & seconded by

Humphrey Wheeler and signed by the President Michael Lane as a true and accurate record,.

Matters Arising:.

There were no matters arising.

Social Events:.

The first outing this year was to Stationers’ Hall in London on Friday 10th May 2019 where a total of 18 people attended for an interesting tour of one of the oldest Livery Companies in the City of London . The tour was followed with coffee/tea and biscuits. The party then adjourned to COTE BRASSERIE in Ludgate Hill for a pre-ordered lunch which was most enjoyable.

The next outing will be a tour along the THAMES RIVER with commentary and a 2 course lunch on a date to be decided in August/September 2019 at a cost of £39 per person excluding drinks.

The Clay Pigeon Shoot will take place on Tuesday 4th June 2019 and the letters have been sent out. So far there are 11 participants.. This event is limited to about 20 people as far as the shoot & restaurant are concerned.

Andrew Kaye advised members that he was trying to obtain a book entitled ‘Secret London’ which highlighted special tours in and around London.

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer informed the meeting that not a lot had taken place since his written report in February. He informed the meeting that we had £6,200 in the bank. The meeting went on to talk about the reunion dinner and the Secretary informed members that the cost from the caterers had risen by approximately 6%. After some discussion it was agreed that we would keep the cost of the dinner to £35:00 per head and absorb the increase as well as putting more wine on the tables to use up some of the monies in the bank.

The Treasurer announced that he would not be seeking re-election at this year’s AGM after many years of service as Secretary & Treasurer to the Association but would like to remain on the committee. The Secretary reminded Roger that he was already a Hon.President of the Association and we would be delighted for him to remain on the committee. The role of a new Hon. Treasurer needs to be in place by the AGM in November 2019


As Michael was not available there was nothing to report on membership. However the Secretary had been asked by Gary Bridger to raise the question suggested by one or more of the ladies from the school that they would be interested in coming to the dinner but not paying the £10 membership and also not receiving the Magazine. After a short discussion it was agreed that would not be a proposition.


Tony Mullins reported that the Magazine was well in hand and that he had given the Secretary the first proof that afternoon with only 3 pages to fill. There was some discussion which needed to be clarified as to whether Philip Markantonio was still alive. This was clarified the next morning and we are happy to report that he is fit and well and enjoying his retirement.

Golf Society Events:-

The first of the golf matches took place on Wednesday 8th May at Toot Hill GC, where a total of 9 OL’s & guests played. Followed by dinner afterwards. This however may be the last of the golf days as we know them. The Secretary agreed to discuss with David Datson (the OLGS Secretary) future plans


Andrew Kaye our Webmaster confirmed that he was keeping the website up to date and that there had been a ‘glitch’ when it was taken off the site for a day or so but that it was now back on line.

Andrew reminded members to keep sending information which he would include on the site.

The President thanked Andrew for his continued efforts.

Hon. Archivist Report:

Chris Plant reported that he had received a letter as well as a plaque for the donation of the second toilet that had been collected at the reunion dinner. He then informed the meeting that he had information from an organisation known as SENCE regarding making a donation to convert a radio for the blind & deaf. It was proposed by Andrew Kaye and seconded by Roland Brown and all were in agreement to make a donation of £100:00 to the worthy charity.

President for 2019/2020

As already discussed Andrew Kaye had withdrawn his position of Vice President, as a precaution for health reasons and Andy Gemmill would not be at the 2019 AGM. Both Richard Higgins & Gary Bridger had also declined the Presidency for the forthcoming year. After much discussion it was decided that Michael Lane would carry on as President for the forthcoming year. He however stated that he would not make another speech and that the format of the AGM would have to change, which was agreed.

Andrew Kaye suggested asking a local speaker, Ray Tyask if he would give a speech at the AGM for a donation to be agreed. (It so turned out that the date of the AGM Ray Tyask was already booked)

Any Other Business:

The Secretary read to the meeting that the Hockey Club was in a strong position and that 7 out of 8 men’s teams had won promotion – 3 as divisional winners. The men’s first team will be playing in the newly restructured national league EAST CONFERENCE. The ladies and all other teams had done well and the Club achieved England Hockey Clubmark accreditation. A credit to OLHC.

The hockey club AGM will be held on 7th July 2019

Keith Pye announced that on 8th June at the RBL in Loughton they would be holding a ‘Chas & Dave Tribute Night’, tickets were £20:00 including a hot & cold buffet. He also stated that on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday’s of the month quiz nights were held at the RBL Loughton 7:00pm for 8:00 pm start.

There being no further business the President reminded members of the date of the next committee meeting 9th September 2019 and closed the meeting at 9:10 pm; a vote of thanks was given to the chair.

Next Committee Meeting– Monday 9th September 2019 at 7:30pm

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