Committee Meeting 13 September 2021

Minutes of the Committee meeting held on Monday 13th September 2021 at OLHC at 7.30 pm.

The President

Andrew Kaye formally opened the meeting and remarked how nice it was to have an actual meeting, the first time this year, which was not via zoom.


Michael Lane Humphrey Wheeler, Roland Brown, Malcolm Trowbridge, Keith Pye, Andrew Kaye, Chris Tomkins, Andy Gemmill, David McAdams, Roger Timms, Gary Bridger, Chris Plant & Stefan Sheriden

The Secretary reported that the mother of Stephen Wells (1970) had died aged 92 and this was reported in the Magazine.


 Graham Finch & Tony Mullins


None had been received

Minutes of last meeting:

Minutes of last meeting held on 10th May 2020:

These had been circularised prior to the meeting

Matters Arising:

David McAdams raised the question from the minutes about changing the dinner to a lunchtime event. Gary Bridger had already sounded out his group from the 1970’s as many were still working they would be unable to attend. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed to take an opinion of members by enclosing a letter in the magazine mailing as to whether members would prefer to hold the dinner in May or as normal in November.

The minutes were proposed by Gary Bridger and seconded by Keith Pye and signed by the President.

Social Events:

A group of OL’s ,wives partners and guests had attended the Epping & Ongar Steam railway outing on Saturday 4th September 2021 which included riding the train with a Fish & Chips supper. We were also entertained by a magician on board the train with some very clever close up tricks.

The evening was a great success and the President took this opportunity to thank both the Secretary and David McAdams for organising the trip.

It was hoped to visit Bakers Hall in June 2022 and Chris Tomkins said he would re-investigate the trip. Another trip to be perused was a Tour of the Old  Bailey followed by lunch at Cote in the City as before.

The Secretary also reported that he had been in touch with the Essex Shooting School to hold a clay pigeon shoot with a buffet lunch in October 2021 and would report back

Treasurer’s Report:

 The accounts for the year 2020-2021 have been completed and will be passed to  our auditor Gary Bridger to be audited

 The income is a little complicated as there was a drop in membership income of £300.00  to £1366.00  plus Donations of £499.00 due to change of   heart with the charity donation therefore we cannot rely on this in coming years. The previous year we had Life Members donating   £325.00 mainly due there being a dinner when members are told they must be up to date with membership fees.

In future years the computer charges will be reduced from £432.00 to £109.99 saving £322.00 this is thanks to Stefan who has updated our web site after taking over the position of Webmaster from Andrew Kaye

The largest outgoing is the Magazine printing at £964.00 with postage etc. at £349.00 the postage was higher because Higgins were not able to frank the post due to pandemic.

 The golf day produced a profit of £206.00 due to a change of heart by Chigwell golf club in reducing the final cost

  In previous years there have been donations to the Hockey Club of £90.00 and OL Trust of £75.00 the year in question there  was only a £25.00 which will be reflected in the  Expenditure.

 In conclusion I must say that we will have to look at our outgoings as we are living on a knife edge, we will not be able to increase our subs as it would mean a loss of members thus defeating the object.  This is the same reason we will be unwise to change from HSBC who will be charging us £5.00 per month in future, and in any case other banks will soon be following suit.

Some of you will know that we had a problem with our internet banking as their card reader ran out of power and had to be replaced, I thought that as Roger was no longer a signatory I was the prime user but it appears I was wrong and they almost had me put in irons for impersonation Roger and threatening to close the account.  But after about three month I am now the Prime user and have internet banking on my PC and Phone.

The Treasurers Report was proposed by David McAdams and seconded by Keith Pye.

 Membership Report

     Three new members had joined the association, but more that 30 had not paid their subscriptions, one reason being, no dinner last year. There was        then a long discussion about membership the cost of the magazine and postage etc. It was concluded that members who had not paid for the past 3 years or more should be be deleted from the mailing list which would help with the cost of the magazine as well as the postage.


Malcolm Trowbridge, in Tony’s absence confirmed that the Magazine was in the final stages of completion and would be sent to the printers shortly. Although there had been only one outing this year the magazine comprised of 40 pages believed the largest one yet!

 Golf Days:            

  A golf match took place on Wednesday 9th June 2021 at Chigwell Golf Club, who looked after us extremely well, we even had our own  starter   

   on the 1st tee. Sixteen players, 9 OL’s and 6 guests took part, the most for sometime. A full report will appear in the magazine.


Andrew Kaye asked Stefan Sheriden to report on the website, but pre-empting his report thanked Stefan for his excellent work on the Website.   Stefan reported that it had taken a lot more time than expected but that it was fully up and running but he was of the opinion that it needed more information as well as back issues of the magazines. He stated that he had some copies but others would be welcome as well as photo’s, which always speak a 1000 words.

AGM & Reunion Dinner:

This will take place on 19th November 2021 at OLHC as usual preceded by the AGM. The Vice President Andrew Gemmill had chosen the menu and the costs had gone up slightly since the last dinner and it was agreed that the cost this year should be £40:00 the first increase for a number of years. Wine and water will be included in the cost of the ticket. Gary Bridger agreed to be the next Vice President.

Report from Hon. Archivist

Chris Plant confirmed that the school motto was incorrect and that the original House names changed in 1974/75. He also said that he had received several charity pamphlets regarding water taps  and other useful items, but in view of the Treasurers report it was decided that charity should begin at home. Finally he had one of the very first School Magazines from 1893 which was hand written and made interesting reading. Some of which it was agreed would be put on the website.

Any Other Business:

The President had suggested that a small lapel badge might be obtained with the wording “OLA Past President” on them.

 The Secretary had made some inquiries and would obtain a sample.

Roger Timms had already passed to the Secretary some information regarding the OL Trust and said he had more information at home which he would pass on.

Vote of Thanks:

 To the President for chairing the meeting.

………….……………………………….. Signed by the President            Date……………….. 

Dates for 2022:

Monday 14th February, 16th May & 12th September 2022

 AGM & Reunion Dinner 11th November 2022

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