Committee Meeting 9 May 2022
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.30pm at OLHC
Andrew Gemmill, Michael Lane, Keith Pye, Malcolm Trowbridge, Humphrey Wheeler, Roland Brown, Stefan Sheriden, Chris Tomkins, David McAdams, Gary Bridger & Chris Plant
The President Andrew Gemmell formally opened the meeting and welcomed everybody & said how pleased he was to see David McAdams joining the meeting after his ordeal.
Silent Tribute:
The President reported the deaths of Denis Pilgrim (1937) Ray Hamilton (1948) whose funerals had both taken place on 4th May 2022, and both had been attended by OL’s. The Secretary also reported that Paul Hough’s (1961) wife Anne had sadly passed away in February after her battle with cancer
Apologies for Absence:-
Andrew Kaye & belated apologies from Tony Mullins
Correspondence Received:-
The Secretary had not received any correspondence
Minutes of the Last Committee Meeting:
The Minutes had already been sent out & were proposed by Keith Pye & seconded by Roland Brown and signed by The President as a true and accurate record,.
Matters Arising:.
David McAdams mentioned about the proposal of the Cups but was informed that a vote had now been taken not to sell them in the foreseeable future. The Secretary mentioned the ‘Past Presidents’ badges and it was agreed that in spite of the increase in costs we should proceed with the purchase.
Social Events
The Clay Pigeon Shoot will take place on 19th May 2022 at Essex Shooting School thanks to Richard Stirland & Philip. Twenty four members & guests have applied to join the shoot.
The Secretary informed the meeting that the trip to the WCofB would take place on Thursday 9th June 2022 followed by lunch at Cote Brasserie at St Katherine’s Dock.
The final outing of the year will take place in September/October and will be a conducted tour of the Old Bailey.
Treasurer’s Report:
Humphrey Wheeler informed the meeting that a volunteer for the post of Assistant Treasurer had been found and that Chris Tomkins would like to fill the post. A meeting between Humphrey, Chris and Malcolm would take place shortly.
There was not a lot of change since the last meeting as no functions had taken place until the Golf Match on Monday 16th May 2022
The Treasurer informed the meeting that the savings account amounted to £6373.56 & the current account amounted to £875.73. A balance sheet was provided by the Treasurer to accompany the minutes
The Secretary informed the meeting that Robert Blackall (1963) had joined the association and that he had been contacted by Neil Hackett from Australia wishing to join the association.
There was nothing to report on this item.
Golf Society Events:-
The first golf match this year will be held on Monday 16th May 2022 at Chigwell Golf Club
To date there were 15 players booked in
Andrew Gemmill thanked Stefan Sheriden for his work in respect to the website. Stefan bought to the attention of the committee that prior to 1991 there had always been a report on the back of the school magazine and perhaps this was the time to include these earlier editions on the website.
Stefan was asked if there was any way of knowing how many hits the website had between committee meetings..
Hon. Archivist Report:
Chris Plant reported that there had been an enquiry from a relative of Franklin Pledger who some years ago had donated his watch chain to the association, which was kept in the trophy cabinet.
Chris had taken a photo of this and forwarded it to Franklin’s granddaughter and it was agreed that the watch chain would be sent to her. Chris confirmed that he had attended Denis Pilgrim’s funeral and had met various members of the family.
Any Other Business:
Gary Bridger mentioned that the loan to the Hockey Club was now shown in a different section of the OLHC accounts and that The Secretary would make inquiries.
There being no further business the President reminded members of the date of the next committee meeting 12th September 2022 at the OLHC and closed the meeting at 8:35pm.