The Old Loughtonian’s Association’s Data Protection Policy:
The OLA conforms to all the requirements of “The General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR)”.
Particular attention is paid to the safe storage of computerised records of some former pupils of Loughton School, which is limited to names, postal addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers.
Such records are encrypted and stored on a website which is password controlled. Access to such information is strictly limited to the Association’s Secretary and Controller of the website.
The access and password are not available to any other person.
The above personal information is used solely for the purpose of the Association communicating directly with the individuals, whose data is being protected.
In compliance with the above Regulations, no “sensitive personal data” exists for any person held in the computer records.
The following is a summary of our commitment to the data protection legislation
- Only information needed to enable direct communication, is kept.
- All data is kept securely.
- All data is relevant and will be kept up-to-date.
- Only data which is needed, is kept, and only for as long as it is needed.
- Any request to see their own kept information will be granted.
- No stored personal information is shared with anyone else
- For further, more comprehensive details regarding the “GDPR 2018”, please click on…